This list offers links to useful online resources and to websites of thematically related projects. The list is under construction; more links are regularly added.
Weimar Studies Network
An international platform for researchers and academics working on the history of the Weimar Republic, offering information on recent publications, up-coming events and on-going research projects on the politics, culture and society of the interwar years in Germany.
HyPress – Die österreichische Tagespresse: Daten und Analysen [1848-1945]
Analysis of Austrian, and in particular of Viennese newspaper journalism and press market; also contains a list of newspaper titles and bibliography of secondary literature.
HyPress - Berliner Tageszeitungen 1918-1933
Database compiled by the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, listing Berlin dailies of the Weimar Republic. Also contains a bibliography of secondary literature.
Diskursanalyse des öffentlichen Sprachgebrauchs der Weimarer Republik
Research project investigating public discourses during the Weimar Republic, focusing, among other themes, on discourses on anti-Semitism. Research results published
Isabelle Daniel, Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, Technische Universität Berlin
“Antisemitismus in den Medien der Weimarer Republik: Neue Medien, neue Akteure. Antisemitismus in der Propaganda radikalnationalistischer Publizistinnen und Publizisten der Weimarer Republik”,
Ph.D. project investigating the role of anti-Semitism in the writings of radical-national publicists during the Weimar Republic
Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, Technische Universität Berlin
Research centre for the study of anti-Semitism, currently hosting, among other projects, a major research project investigating the radicalisation of anti-Semitism during and after the First World War, directed by Ulrich Wyrwa and Werner Bergmann (“Der Erste Weltkrieg und die Konflikte der europäischen Nachkriegsordnung (1914-1923)“).
Jüdische deutschsprachige Periodika aus dem östlichen Europa. Digitalisierung und Dokumentation historischer Zeitungen, Volkskalender und bildlicher Darstellungen osteuropäischer Juden
Jewish German-language periodicals from Eastern Europe. Digitizing and documenting historical newspapers, popular calendars and image materials of Eastern European Jews
Digitizing Historical Jewish and Polish Press
Digitization project of historical Polish-Jewish periodicals under the direction of the National Library of Israel (NLI) in partnership with Tel Aviv University (TAU), the National Library of Poland, and Harvard University.
International Coalition on Newspapers – ICON: Newspaper digitization projects
Page highlighting, and providing links to, past, present, and prospective digitisation projects of historic newspapers. The focus is primarily on digital conversion efforts, not full-text collections of current news sources. Two separate lists:
• International Collections, by country
• United States, by state
The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism - The Felix Posen Bibliographic Project
Research Centre of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, offering an extensive online bibliography of secondary literature on the history of anti-Semitism
Deutsches Pressemuseum im Ullsteinhaus e.V.
Founded in 2011 in Berlin, the “German Press Museum in the Ullstein House” aims to represent the development and the structure of the German press and of press freedom from the Kaiserreich to the present, with particular focus on the Berlin press.
The website offers a press review with facsimiles of the Berlin press from 30 January 1933 to 31 December 1933, which is currently being expanded to cover also the year 1934, with the aim of documenting the working conditions of German journalism during the period of transition from democracy to totalitarian dictatorship
Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung – Digitale Bibliothek: Zeitungen
German-language periodicals from Central and Eastern Europe: Virtual consolidation of scattered collections
Newspapers Repository of 3600 newspapers from the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, and Ireland
Newspaper Archive Newspapers from around the world, all 50 states of the USA included (chargeable)
Readex Collection of digitized historical newspapers from the United States (chargeable)
ZEFYS Newspaper Information System, displaying digitised historical newspapers, full texts and selected webresources and databases relating to historical newspapers.
Arbeitsstelle für Geschichte der Publizistik – Universität Köln Research Centre for the history of newspapers and journals. Holds a collection of important German periodicals from Imperial Germany and the Weimar Republic
Extrablatt. Zeitungen, Bibliotheken und der ganze Rest. Ein Blog. Blog relating to newspapers and libraries
Kölner Sammlung von Zeitungsausschnitten Digitised collection of German newspaper clippings (mainly from Cologne region)
History Unfolded: U.S. Newspapers and the Holocaust Project of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on the coverage of the Holocaust in American local newspapers during the years 1933–1945.
Historical Newspapers Online – Urbana – University of Illinois List of historical American Newspapers
Historical Newspapers and Indexes On The Internet – USA. List of digitised Newspapers of the USA sorted by states.
American Historical Newspapers Online A guide to locating digitized American newspapers for the period prior to the advent of electronic newspapers (before 1995).
Kranten Historisch List of digitised newspapers worldwide
Deutschsprachige Presse des Auslands List of German newspapers worldwide sorted by countries.
RetroNews Online portal offering a fully searcheable database with more than 50 titles of French newspapers and periodicals published between 1631 and 1945. New titles will be regularly added. Project realised in collaboration with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and its newspaper portal “Gallica”. Use subject to costs.
Illinois Digital Newspaper Collection
Trove – Australian Digital Newspaper Archive Trove is an Australian online library hosted by the National Library of Australia. The Australian Newspapers and Gazettes Digitisation Project provides access to more than 1000 historical Australian newspapers, among them some Jewish periodicals. The Australian press reported extensively on German anti-Semitism during the 1920s and 1930s, as is evidenced by a preliminary keyword search.
Chronicling America - Historic American Newspapers (Library of Congress) Chronicling America is a Website of the Library of Congress providing access to, and information about, historic American newspapers from 1789-1924; the database is fully searchable.
Compact Memory The Website offers access to more than 200 important Jewish newspapers and journals of the German speaking area of the years 1768–1938 and beyond.
DigiBaeck - German-Jewish History Online An online resource of the Leo Baeck Institute New York providing access to 150 German-Jewish periodicals. - Historical newspapers of the United States . The archive archive is fully searchable by keyword and date; a subscription fee applies.
The British Newspaper Archive. The database presents digitized historical newspapers from the vast newspaper collections of the British Library in London; it is fully searchable by keyword, name, location, date or title; a subscription fee applies.
UKpressonline. Digitized archives of British popular newspapers (Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Star, Daily Star Sunday, Church Times, The Watchman, Daily Worker, Morning Star, Kent Messenger, Herne Bay Press, South Eastern Gazette, Fascist Week, Action!, Blackshirt & Yorkshire Post); subscription required.