\\ ==== The Jewish Press in France ==== \\ **This list is under construction; more titles are regularly added.** \\ \\ == Important newspapers not digitised: == \\ Bulletin of the Jewish National Fund (1917-1926) \\ \\ Entre Nous (1925-1927) * Later: Revue Juive de Lorraine \\ Foi et Réveil (Nice 1913-1928) \\ \\ Le Juif (1919-1923) \\ \\ Kadimah (Strasbourg 1927-1931) \\ \\ Paix et Droit (1925-1940) \\ \\ Palestine (1927-1931) \\ \\ Paris-Sion. La Terre Promis (1922-1923) \\ \\ La Revue des Études Juives (founded 1880) \\ \\ == Digitised newspapers: == \\ [[http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41193642z/date.r=.langFR|L'Avenir Illustré (Marocco, 1926-1940)]] \\ \\ [[http://web.nli.org.il/sites/JPress/English/Pages/La-Liberte.aspx|La Liberté (Marocco, 1915-1922)]] \\ \\ [[http://web.nli.org.il/sites/JPress/English/Pages/Paix-et-Droit.aspx|Paix et Droit (1921-1940)]] \\ \\ [[http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb32881359d/date|La Tribune Juive (1925-1939)]] \\ \\ [[http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb344300007/date|L'Univers israélite (1849-1937)]] * Gallica, digitisation inomplete